metal sol meaning in English
- The relation of absorption of nano - metal sols and the addition of dispersants , as well as the rule of absorption of nano - metal sol added by dispersants concomitant to placing time were systematically investigated by means of uv - vis . the results show that , the suitable dispersant to nano - iron / ethanol sol is 0 . 035 % polyoxyethylene ( 10 ) lauryl ether ( op - 10 ) , but in the case of nano - tungsten / ethanol sol , 0 . 13 % neotelex maybe is of more benefit to its disperse stability . the observation of tem shows the best evidences
Uv - vis法理论分析结果表明,对于纳米铁溶胶,添加0 . 035的非离子型表面活性剂十二烷醇聚氧乙烯醚可以达到良好的分散稳定性;而对于纳米钨溶胶,最理想的分散剂则是0 . 13的阴离子表面活性剂十二烷基苯磺酸钠,电镜观察结果完全证实了该推论,显示5天后的纳米金属溶胶仍然保持良好的分散状况。